
2 min read

Tips to make a beautiful app icon

Tips to make a beautiful app icon cover image

Your app icon is the first thing users see when browsing through the app store. It's essential to make a great first impression with a beautiful and memorable icon.

In this blog post, we will discuss some tips to help you make a beautiful app icon that stands out from the competition.

1. Be Unique

Being unique is essential when it comes to creating a beautiful app icon. Do your research to make sure your icon doesn't look too similar to other icons in your category. A unique icon can help you stand out from the competition and create a strong brand identity.

2. Utilize Negative and Positive Space

Negative space refers to the empty space around an object or between design elements, while positive space refers to the area occupied by the object or elements themselves. By effectively utilizing negative and positive space in your app design, you can create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing user experience.

Example image of negative and positive space

3. Tell A Story

Your app icon can tell a story about your brand and its values. Consider incorporating elements that represent your brand's story and mission into your design.

For instance, the app icon below looks like a triangle roof. It can evoke the image of a house or shelter, which could be relevant for an app related to real estate, home improvement, or interior design.

Example image of a meaningful app icon

4. Use Abstract Shapes

Using abstract shapes is another way to create a stunning app icon. Abstract shapes are not based on reality and can be used to create a distinct and artistic design.

Before you start designing, brainstorm some ideas for the shapes you want to use. Consider the message and branding of your app, and think about what shapes best represent those qualities. Sketch out some rough ideas and explore different possibilities.

5. Color Choice

Colors have a significant impact on how users perceive your app, and choosing the right ones can help you create a visual identity that aligns with your brand and resonates with your target audience.

If you're creating an app that's fun and playful, you might consider using bright and bold colors. On the other hand, if you're creating an app that's more professional or serious, you might consider using more subdued and sophisticated colors.

Further Read

Visit our blog for more tips and tricks on creating a stunning app icon. If you haven't had one, head over to CandyIcons to pick or create a beautiful AI app icon for your project.

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Create your own AI app icons in 3 easy steps